A new frontliner, Phaedra, has arrived, along with a holiday event (there are some drop-dead gorgeous skins) and a new Chapter for Season 1.

I haven't had a ton of time to play Phaedra yet, but I really like her ability to do significant damage through walls (and dash through them too). I think this makes her a nice pick for newer players that still struggle with ideal positioning (like yours truly). She also has great control options, making her a solid pick for the new Extraction gameplay mode.

Extraction is inspired by the opening cinematic and requires grabbing a briefcase and returning it to an extraction zone before the other team. But holding the case reveals you and keeps you from sprinting. Not only that, but if you dash or take too much damage, you will drop the case. This mode is playable with bots if you prefer that (though they don't always seem to break for the extraction point when they should) and will only be around for a couple of weeks, so make sure and give it a try.

-- Misguided

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